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Browse : Bot Libre : Bugs and Features


3 results.
*SOLVED* How do I disable speech?
da biblefishtweet postato Feb 12 2021, 16:26
Tag: embed, embedding, tts, speech, disable, text to speech
Aggiornato: Feb 13 2021, 17:06
Risposte: 0, Vista: 1072, oggi: 2, settimana: 9, mese: 23
Thumbs up: 0, pollice in giù: 0, stelle: 0.0
*SOLVED* How do I disable speech?
da biblefishtweet postato Feb 12 2021, 16:26
Risposte: 0 | Vista: 1072
Feature request: Twitch Intergration
da tkostreamdotcom postato Jul 31 2020, 1:29
Risposte: 1 | Vista: 1648
RE: Accessibility suggestions
da admin postato Feb 11 2014, 8:34
Risposte: 0 | Vista: 2717