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Bot Libre Forum : Chat Logs : how to train your customer service bot by monitoring its chat logs, using keywords and topics.

RE: Chat Logs : how to train your customer service bot by monitoring its chat logs, using keywords and topics.

da admin postato Feb 13 2017, 11:16

This depends on your interface to your bot.

For mobile bots, or Android SDK provides 'command' support so that you can open apps and websites by setting a 'command' in a response.

For the web, you can use your own JavaScript to open links by checking for commands in the bot's response, or for specific response text.

It is also possible to embed JavaScript in a bot's response, but only for our commercial version on https://www.botlibre.biz


Id: 15484071
Postato: Feb 13 2017, 11:16
Aggiornato: Feb 13 2017, 11:17
Risposte: 0
Vista: 4059, oggi: 1, settimana: 7, mese: 39
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