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Self, AIML, and scripting


da Bastor postato Jan 8 2018, 13:21


i work with a mediawiki system like wikipedia.

I found to scrips that work with wikipedia / Wikidata.  Unfortunately, I can not find a place in the scripts where I can change the HTTP specification

like from en.wikipeadia.or to de.wikipedia or my system kubbwiki.de!  

Does anyone have a tip for me?

Thanks Bastor


by admin posted Jan 8 2018, 16:43
The WikiData script use WikiData's API to import objects from WikiData. It uses as custom class in the Bot Libre AI Engine (WikiData). So it only works with WikiData.

For your own wiki or website you can use Self's Http, HTML, and JSON support to access data.


For a simple wikipedia search script see,


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Id: 20474512
Tag: scripting, scripts, mediawiki, wikipedia
Postato: Jan 8 2018, 13:21
Risposte: 1
Vista: 3248, oggi: 1, settimana: 1, mese: 21
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