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how to create a bot that retweet a certain twitter friend ?

da achraf postato Mar 15 2015, 20:40

Hello , i would like to know how to create a bot that retweet a certain twitter friend ? and if it is possible to connect multiple twitter accounts to a single botlibre account ? have a nice day

by admin posted Mar 16 2015, 14:56
You can retweet tweets that contain certain keywords from your friends, but not all of their tweets. I will log a request for such a feature.

You can only connect a bot to a single Twitter account, but you can create or fork as many bots as you wish from a single BOT libre account.

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Id: 799318
Postato: Mar 15 2015, 20:40
Risposte: 1
Vista: 2385, oggi: 1, settimana: 3, mese: 12
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