Lo sapevate Bot Libre fornisce anche avatar in 3D e una connessione web speech API?

Script Di Ricerca

2 risultati.

Audio Video Rich Responses
Audio Video Rich Responses
Examples of how to return audio, video, and rich HTML responses.
Alias: @audiovideorichresponses
Categorie: Response Lists
Tags: video, examples, response list, audio
Creato: Jun 18 2020, by: admin
Thumbs up: 1, pollice in giù: 1, stelle: 3.5
Language: Response List
Collega: 256, oggi: 0, settimana: 1, mese: 10
Ultima Connessione: Yesterday, 7:13
Camera/Video Commands
Camera/Video Commands
Camera commands for your personal assistant bot, using the default device camera. Take a photo, take a selfie, take a video. Import this script into your bot, or customize the patterns/use this as a guideline. See website link for detailed instructions.
Alias: @Camera/Video Commands
Categorie: Response Lists, Mobile Assistant
Tags: photo, response list, picture, commands, video, camera, mobile, assistant
Creato: Aug 31 2016, by: admin
Thumbs up: 0, pollice in giù: 0, stelle: 0.0
Language: Response List
Collega: 502, oggi: 0, settimana: 0, mese: 5
Ultima Connessione: Oct 10, 18:40